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Dakini's Whisper 2023 Online Summer Retreat - DAKINI CHÖ - Common & Uncommon Chö Empowerments

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

Friday - Tuesday, July 14 - 18, 2023


Common & Uncommon Chö Empowerments



SHIWA LAMSAB “Profound Path of Peace”

KAKYABMA “Pervading Sky”


Open to All Partially

Registration Required by July 1st

(Become a member of Dakini’s Whisper here)

Enter the stream of DAKINI CHO - the river of wandering yogis and yoginis - the Machik Ḍākinī Ear-Whispered lineage (Machik Khandro Nyengyü in Tib.) this summer!

Carried by Geluk wandering masters for centuries, the Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered lineage is one of the two streams that make up the river of Chö, the other one being the Ganden Ear-Whispered Lineage. A rare and unequaled Tibetan Vajrayana Chö tradition, it has been kept very secret and unrecognized until recent years. This lineage comes directly from Machik Labdron, a great Tibetan Dakini (1055-1149), and has been transmitted from great master to master in an ear-whispered manner and finally it came to the late H.H. the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa (1932 - 2013) who held both Cho lineages. Our teacher, Choying Khandro, a direct disciple of the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa, received the complete transmission and completed the required lineage protocol of all the retreats and transmissions, including the 108 Springs retreat. Be part of this extraordinary, privileged, treasured opportunity to hold this very precious lineage in this life. The time has come.

For more information and registration, please go here.


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