VY Long Sadhana (International)
A Long Sâdhanâ of Vajrayoginî Self-Generation: The Uncommon Sâdhanâ of Holy Vajrayoginî Nâro Khecharî Entitled “The Quick Path to Great Bliss” (Tib. rJe btsun rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma nâ ro mkha’ sphyod kyi sgrub thabs thun mong ma yin pa bde chen nye lam shes bya ba) composed by Je Pabonka Dechen Nyingpo, including Supplemental Notes was originally translated and compiled by Choying Khandro in October 2012. This volume includes the translation from the original Tibetan to English with the supplemental notes of some visualization instructions, based on various previous works, commentaries and oral instructions. Furthermore, The Tea Offering to Vajrayoginî composed by Ngülchu Dharmavajra was also added to this compilation. In order to facilitate non-Tibetan speaking practitioners in chanting blessed melodies in original Tibetan in a traditional manner, phonetics was also added along with word-for-word translations. The recording of traditional chanting melodies of these texts according to the tradition of His Holiness the Ninth Jetsün Dampa Jampel Namdröl Chökyi Gyeltsen (1932-2012) is available for download.