Dear Dakini's Whisper Friends,
During the "Month of Miracles," we pay tribute to the extraordinary accomplishments of Shakyamuni Buddha, which served to instill faith among the skeptical public of his time. It is believed that during Chötrul Duchen (the Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations), the effects of both positive and negative actions are multiplied ten million times.
We rejoice in your participation in the DW Chö Monlam Praying Festival, which will yield great merits for well-being. On this auspicious occasion, we extend an invitation for your contributions to the 2024 Grand Retreat scheduled for October.
The 2024 Grand Retreat is as never before and perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime event. It features:
Seven-Nights Wilderness Retreat in accordance with the Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage
Five-Dakini Mountain Retreat
Vajrayogini Advanced Retreat
Online live-streaming of Teachings, Retreat Sessions and Empowerments
Concluding the Retreat is a Grand Tsok Feast following traditional practices. If you are joining the retreat, you may start sowing seeds for good aspirations by sponsoring. If you are unable to attend, you can still be part of it by sponsoring items below at your choice:
Grand Tsok Feast -Puja for purifying negative karma, removing obstacles, creating positive potential, and for world peace.
Portion of Khandro-la’s flight ticket -Supporting the spread of Dharma far and wide in these tumultuous times.(Our teacher’s flight cost is not covered by the registration fee as she wants to keep the Retreat affordable)
Scholarship for Retreatants -Supporting your peers in actualizing Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings, facilitating accessibility for those who are financially challenged.
Please state your sponsoring item and use any of the following methods:
Visit DW Website: the donation page
Click this url and be redirected to Paypal: paypal.me/dakiniswhisper
Scan the QR code and be redirected to Paypal:

As this full moon marked the first of the four grand festivals of the Buddha—Chötrul Düchen, the Festival of Miracles—we extend our deepest gratitude to our kind teacher, Chöying Khandro, and to all the great lineage masters, past and present, who uphold the blessings of Shakyamuni Buddha and the manifestation of his boundless compassion. May your sponsorship, as an act of faith and appreciation, return in ten millionfold blessings for longevity, well-being, and prosperity to you and all beings!
Dakini's Whisper Sangha Team