Dakini's Whisper Master Course 3
Chö Practice Basics I
Essential Commentary on Chö Ritual
Chö Whispered from the Mount of Bliss
The sadhana text is in Pecha format - including Tibetan transliteration, English translation, and the English word-by-word translation.
This video offers complete performance practices with Tibetan transliteration as well as the English word-by-word translation. This aids non-Tibetan speaking students in performing the lineage texts with traditional melodies in a traditional manner.
The chant book also includes additional devotional verses and other materials that will be of great interest and benefit to practitioners in the Ear-Whispered lineage. These include the Four Sets of Vows, the Guru Yoga of Machik Labdron, Machik’s Last Instructions, Calling Precious Machik from Afar, In Praise of Machik’s Perfection of the Six Paramitas, Aryadeva’s Grand Poem of Severance, the Eight Verses of Mind Training, King of Prayers, and an English translation of the Heart Sutra.
THE CHÖ PRELIMINARIES (Optional) - Teaching (Audio and some videos)

- Approaching Charnel Grounds
Chö as Existential and Psychological Healing (video)
1) Review the Cho Foundations (The Four Thoughts That Turn The Mind and The Three Principal Aspects of the Path - Renunciation, Bodhicitta & Wisdom of Emptiness - See Below)
2) Read pp. 55 - 70 in Chod in the Ganden Tradition (CGT)

Refuge and Bodhicitta
- Opening and Surrendering
Meditation: Refuge and Bodhicitta (video)
Some Aspects of Chö Practice (video)
1) Practice the damaru (starting with "Tayata...")
2) Practice the melodies: Refuge and Bodhicitta
3) Read pp. 71- 77 (CGT)

Offering Practice
- Making a Relationship with Buddha Nature
1) Practice the melodies: the Merit Field, & Seven-Branch Practice
2) Practice the damaru rhythm: "Ma-dang-Lha-yi-khan-dro" Rhythm
3) Review "the Eight Objects of the Resolve" (the 8 Sources of Disturbances) pp.140 - 142 in Machik's Complete Explanation
4) Read pp. 77 - 80 (CGT)

Inner Mandala
- Offering up the Entire Universe
1) Practice the melodies: Inner Mandala
2) Read pp. 81 - 84 (CGT)
(See Week 3 - Part 1)

Lineage Prayer
- Entering into the River of Blessings
Intro to a Cho Liturgy (audio)
Cho Liturgy Walk-Through 1 (audio)
1) Practice the melodies: Lineage Prayer
2) Practice the damaru rhythm: "Ma-dang-Lha-yi-khan-dro" Rhythm
3) Read pp. 85 - 86, 92-94 (CGT)

White Feast (Powa)
- Separating Body and Consciousness - Resting as Great Mother
Machik's "Last Instruction"(pdf)
1) Practice the melodies: Separating Body and Consciousness
2) Read pp. 95 - 96 (CGT)
(See Week 4 - Part 1)

White Feast (Actual Offering)
- Actual Offering
1) Practice the melodies: Actual Offering of White Feast
2) Read pp. 99 - 104 (CGT)
(See Week 5 - Part 1)

Red Feast (Preparation and Invitation)
- Preparing the Offering of the Body & Inviting the Guests of Offering
Walkthrough Visualization (audio) Part 1 Part 2
1) Practice the melody of Red Feast - Preparation and Invitation
2) Practice the damaru: "Tayatha Om..." Rhythm
3) Read pp. 104 - 106 (CGT)
(Option: 4) Meditation on Awareness and Compassion

Red Feast (Actual Offering)
- Fierce Compassion that Feeds Whatever they Need
1) Practice the melody "Red Feast - Actual Offering"
2) Read pp. 17 - 18 (CGT)

Manifold Feast
- Offering the Desirables that are Transfomed from the Skin
The Four Demons
1) Practice the melody of "Manifold Feast"
2) Read pp. 108 - 111 (GCT)
3) Read pp. 117 - 120, "the Four Devils" in Machik's Complete Explanation

Giving Dharma, Tonglen & Sending My Guests Off To Their Home
- Extreme Tonglen that Illuminates the Darkness
The Four Stages of Cho Practice
Heart-Oriented Meditation: Tonglen
1) Practice the melody "Giving Dharma"
2) Read pp. 111 - 117, 118 - 119

Meditating on Emptiness & Dedication
Machik's Complete Explanation: Clarifying the Meaning of Chod (book)
Aryadeva's "Grand Poem on Severance" (Supplementary Practices)
CHÖ PRELIMINARIES: Chö Foundations: Preliminary and Concluding Practices/Prayers and Songs
A Prelude to Chö Practice (video)
Commentary/Teaching on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (from the Boulder Retreat 2017)(download)
GANDEN CHÖ PRACTICES: Dedicating One’s Illusory Body as a Feast Offering (Gyulü Tsoksu Ngowa)