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New Publication from DW Media

in the contemporary world

Khandro-la's New Book

The Heart of
Chö, Volume Two" 

Kindle & Paperback are NOW available on Amazon


We here at Dakini's Whisper are beyond excited to share this news! Khandro-la's Volume II of The Heart of Cho: Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World is NOW available on Kindle and in paperback. 


Students Interview Khandro-la

- Behind-the-scene content -

   “What would it be like to journey with Dakini,

    this being whose body is completely grounded,

    whose mind is crystal clear with wise knowing,

    whose heart is immensely vast and open like the      sky, yet full of tender, fearless,

    and overwhelming compassion?”


This compelling journey will take you right into the heart of Dakini, the compassionate embodiment of “inner wakefulness.” Emerging from Chöying Khandro’s teachings, meditations, and dialogue with student practitioners through a period of extensive exploration of Dakini, Dakini Journey brings ancient teachings into the modern world through the lens of the five elements, our six senses, and subtle body. With her encouraging self-inquiry, we find the voice of the Dakini, or “sky-dancer,” the awakened awareness dwelling within. 

For the summary of this book, go to the home page or Kindle/Paperback Store page.                                

Write a review to spread our Dakini teachings to the world! 


Please leave your heart-felt reviews as a way to share Dakini teachings and the lineage teachings we, Dakini's Whisper, hold.  Can you also share with all your Dharma Friends, family, other friends and anyone else you can think of? Thank you! Here are some reviews:

Experiencing the journey directly.

Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World, The Heart of Cho, Vol 2 is a masterful treasure. The entire book evolves into a truly wonderful journey. Choying Khandro-La delivers guidance throughout the book with absolute clarity, and in a familiar teacher to student narrative style, including meditations, detailed explanations, and Q&A. Her writing delivers an integration of advanced practice, structured with special attention to detail, yet, with overall and meaningful simplicity, enabling students to easily access the teachings and to be directly experienced in practice. It picks up very progressively where Volume One left off, although actually, any student from any lineage, who is contemplating or interested in progressing within the Buddhist Mahayana and Tantric paths will cherish the imprints from putting this book into practice. Khandro-la facilitates the journey, comprehensively, explaining how we encounter the Dakini, and how to evolve this into direct relationship, while enhancing our own experiences. A significant section of the book focuses on embodying the practice, and bringing these ancient teachings of our inner winds into our everyday awareness. It brings great meaning to the preciousness of our human life and to the attainment of this human form. Khandro-la clarifies the five elements in association with the Dakinis, brings awareness to directly embodying the subtle body, and builds our connection with the wisdom aspect of the Great Mother, so that ultimately we can experience the combined union of bliss and emptiness for the benefit of all beings. Khandro-la maintains strict purity and authenticity of the teachings in devotion to her own teacher, the late Ninth Khalka Jetsun Dampa, and in accordance to the rare Machig Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage of Cho. The Dakini Journey book reveals our true potential, and it is a wonderful manifestation arising from boundless Bodhicitta, and direct blessings from the Buddhas and Lineage Masters. I know this book will be a powerful resource to students and practitioners of all lineages, and in turn, enable them to benefit the countless beings of our world.

Sublime and Contemporary

A true way to experience kinship with self and other! Dakini Journey In The Contemporary World, and Dakini's Whisper Media, gives us the elemental basis we need to heal and thrive through accessing the subtle body in ways that open the heart-mind as well as undo physical effects caused by the difficult underpinnings in our lives. A sublime and contemporary self-exploration into the dakini principle, drawing upon Tibetan Buddhist wisdom. Tap into your authentic self with Dakini's Whisper and dear sangha leader, Khandro-La.

A Rare Gem

Khandro-la is a rare gem among contemporary spiritual teachers, “walking the talk” as both a scholar and practitioner. In particular, her Dakini teachings sparkle with her own lived experience, offering fresh understanding for modern seekers. She simultaneously honors tradition without being constrained by it, and her words resonate with experiential knowledge that give the reader a taste of the ineffable Dakini. Highly recommend!

Engagingly written

If you want to explore what “Dakini” is about in an experiential manner, this is the book. As the title suggests, Dakini Journey does involve taking a journey, and that tour is a unique experience — your own participation encountering the awakened, dakini energies. Choying Khandro brings us into the sometimes crazy, dakini world of the earlier Indian yoginis and yogis, but with a gentle guiding hand.

However, this is no quick “how to” book. Choying Khandro fully explores and explains the five elemental Dakini teachings, along with pertinent quotations and references from past Buddhist masters. She mentions that all the Dakini practices in the book provide us with steps for entering the Five Buddha Family mandala, and I believe Tibetan Buddhist practitioners will find it is solidly based in foundational Vajrayana principles. In that sense, whether we encounter enlightened aspects while searching for dakini, or run into our own, sometimes conflicted views and emotions, she clearly declares that they are expressions of the same pure nature, if we can see it. I can recommend spending time with this book. It’s more than just a read.

Dakini wisdom comes alive

This book is great for anyone who wants to have an immersive experience of dakini practice, whether as a beginner or as an experienced Buddhist practitioner. The guided meditation practices can help you to experience dakini energy first hand in a way that is very rarely possible through the written word. It almost feels like you’re at a retreat or a group practice event. There’s also lots of great background information about the history and Buddhist philosophy contained within these practices. Highly recommended.

The Long Awaited Volume II!

Khandro-la has outdone herself with her Volume II of The Heart of Cho simply because she is bringing the Ear-Whispered Lineage of Cho [of the Dakinis] into this world when we most need it. From the beginning of this book starting with the Acknowledgement, every word has been given through the focus of Dakini without silencing her. Khandro-la is herself a rare treasure to be found in this world, but now with this second volume we can see the treasures she so personally wants to share with us. GO DAKINIS!

A Mirror of My Mind

As a student of Khandro-la's, I am familiar with her experiential style of teaching. Dakini Journey in a Contemporary World deepens this understanding, as well as awareness of my own direct experience of the path to awakening. Practicing through the sense doors, the subtle body and the elements, her meditations and teachings reveal clearly that the dakini is a mirror of my own mind. This book will remain at my bedside and on my meditation cushion for a very long time, as a spicy reminder of what is possible!

An amazing journey into Dakini Land

This is an amazing, unique introduction, and at the same time a deep journey into the mysterious Dakini Land. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the Dakini is described as the embodiment of the feminine wisdom energy. This is a highly recommended book both to the experienced meditation practitioner and the novice – both will find the book rich in teachings and accessible. Khandro-La is a recognized teacher who is a rare holder of an unbroken lineage. I would highly recommend this book if you are curious about the inner journey into the Dakini Land - both beautiful and blissful. Unlike many other publications, this book provides you both information and an experience: the meditations are a gem, and bring the Dakini alive experientially.

Would you like a copy signed by Chöying Khandro?


A limited number of signed copies of Dakini Journey in the Contemporary World are available at no extra cost at DW Media Store. We do ask, if you purchase a signed copy you graciously write a brief, sincere review on Amazon after reading the book. We are encouraging these heart-felt reviews as a way to share Dakini teachings and benefit others.

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Did you read Khandro-la's first book?
The Heart of Chö, Volume One: Chö Foundations

Please go here to find out more and leave your review.

Check out this review of Khandro-la's first book!

"This book is a jewel of Buddhist wisdom from this fearless Heart of Chod practice. Whether one is an active Chod practitioner, a beginner, or perhaps just has a curiosity about these ancient teachings aimed at severing our self-grasping, Choying's words will make this practice come alive for you! The meditations themselves are a treasure for any Buddhist student and the lively discussions shared between students and teacher resonate quite directly with everyday experiences on and off the cushion. I feel many sentient beings will benefit from the reading of this book!" - TH on Amazon

Here is a link to order this book on DW Media Store (only 2 copies left) or on Amazon and leave a review there.




Chöying Khandro has been recognized as an inspiring, innovative, and accessible teacher of Tibetan Buddhism in the West for 25 years. Trained in India and the Himalayas from 1976 to 1985 under the great Tibetan masters at that time, she holds Buddhist Studies degrees from Waseda University and the University of Michigan and is also trained in body-oriented disciplines. As a heart disciple of the late Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa, Khandro-la completed the protocols of the rare and precious Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage of Chö. Inspired by his encouragement, she founded and is the spiritual leader of Dakini’s Whisper, an international online community whose mission is to integrate ancient wisdom into the lives of dedicated, contemporary practitioners around the world.

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