5-Week Online Series
Subtle Body Training - Dakini Series III
An exploration of the FIERCE FEMININE
Starting Sat., February 19, 2022, 12 noon - 1:30 pm, Pacific Time
Please note specific dates and times below which may vary due to previously scheduled offerings.
Registration is required in advance
to receive an invitation with a Zoom link.
“The charnel ground is that great graveyard
in which the complexities of samsara and nirvana lie buried.”
- Chogyam Trungpa
The charnel ground is the place where life’s paradox is nakedly and intimately exposed, and the death of self-grasping and whatever we are attached to is celebrated. It is the place where frightfulness and peacefulness coexist, and the birthplace of sky-dancers, Dakinis. In this upcoming Subtle Body Training, Dakini Series III, we invite you to the world of sky-dancers in the charnel ground where fierce feminine capacity is activated and celebrated.
Each week we’ll meet a ferocious Dakini who embodied these qualities, manifesting wrathfully out of her unbearable compassion for all beings. All these Dakinis are also part of the Ear-Whispered Lineage transmissions.
Week 1 – Sat., 2/19, 12 noon-1:30 pm, PST – Severed Head Vajrayogini – Uchima
Week 2 – Sat., 2/26, 12noon-1:30 pm, PST – Black Dakini – Troma Nakmo
(No class on Sat., 3/5 due to CHO MONLAM PRAYER FESTIVAL)
Week 3 – Sat., 3/12, 2-3:30 pm, PST – Ferocious Protectoress – Palden Lhamo
Week 4 – Sat., 3/19, 12noon-1:30 pm, PST – One Plait Dakini – Ekajati
Week 5 – Sat., 3/26, 12noon-1:30 pm, PST – Obstacle Dispeller – Khandarohi
This exploration will be experiential, intimate and direct, connecting our subtle, feeling, and energetic body in the form of stillness, movements, singing and exercises. Dakini’s Whisper’s Subtle Body Training is an integrated, transformative spiritual journey based on the advanced tantric theory that weaves together tantric techniques of subtle body-oriented practices, chanting, meditation, and breathing practices. So, whether you are just embarking on the path of Buddhist tantric practice, yoga, or have been studying and teaching for years, we invite you to join us for this unique and potent exploration of Dakinis.
This series could lead you to a unique and evolutionary home study experience resulting in genuine transformation. Please join us!
Below, you can read about what students say about Dakini's Whisper Subtle Body Training.
For the 5-Week Series: Members $75, Non-Members $95
For A Single "Drop-In" Class: $20
(Sorry, no make-up sessions nor recordings available if missed)
This class is open to all levels of physical ability. However, please notify us if there is any specific physical or mental condition we may need to be aware of. We respectfully ask that all participants keep their videos on during the class to enhance connection with our teacher and each other, and to assure optimal benefit.
Please register no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the class by completing the form below and submitting the corresponding payment. You will receive a Zoom Meeting invitation in advance.
Not yet a member of Dakini’s Whisper but would like to be? Please click here to complete that process prior to class registration.
Week 1

Severed Head Vajrayogini – Uchema
“Homage to the Divine Lady,
Whom out of compassion,
emanates in myriads of forms
in this degenerate age
to subdue our various minds.
Using the energy of desire,
She attracts us to Her form,
then brings us to full liberation.”
Week 2

Black Dakini – Troma Nakmo
"Venerable Lady, Tathagata,
Direct seer of ultimate reality,
Mother of victorious ones,
Profound Pacifier, Free from constructs,
Protectress of begins,
manifesting various forms -
To you, Toma Nakmo, I offer Praises!"
Week 3

Ferocious Protectoress – Palden Lhamo
Your mind knows everything
in essence and in detail;
You never leave the sphere of emptiness,
but out of compassion
You tame enemies and obstacles,
every method at your command.
I praise you, conquering female
with a glorious body, speech and mind!"
Week 4

One Plait Dakini – Ekajati (Relchikma)
Samantabhadrī’s wrathful wisdom emanation,
Mother Ekajaṭī, Queen of Space,
And the hosts of maternal spirits—of wisdom,
with special karma and the worldly:
We supplicate you!
We make this offering to you!
Carry out the activities we request!"
Week 5

Obstacle Dispeller – Khandarohi
element of fire,
By nature mindfulness of phenomena,
Principal Dakini of the Lotus family,
To you, Khandarohi, I prostrate.”